Michelle & Sasha Oild Painting by Elizabeth Peyton

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 8, 2008 by 69questions

Yesterday I received an e-mail from one of my girlfriends that had clearly been forwarded numerous times.  The e-mail contained an image of an oil painting entitiled “Michelle & Sasha” by artist Elizabeth Peyton and it also contained a photograph of Mrs. Coretta Scott and her, then young daughter, Bernice.  I was immediately taken back and angry when I saw the two images side by side.

My first thought was this, why would anyone place these two images together?  I’m not certain if it was the artist was trying to connect these two African American families in some sybolic way.  But, the artist failed miserably in her attempt.  The image of Mrs. Obama and her daughter, Sasha, was photographed on a day in which this family was celebrating then, Sen. Obama’s (now President Elect) acceptance speach at the DNC in August 2008.  This was a joyous and celebratory occassion for the Obama’s.  In comparison, the image of Mrs. King and her daughter, Bernice, was photographed on the day that the King family and the nation as a whole mourned the loss of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  These images side by side are sickening to my soul and I am so shocked by them.  Individually, the “Michelle & Sasha” painting is beautiful and it simply an image of a mother having a moment in time with her child.

Martin Luther King Jr.

I am an artist myself and understand the beauty, contrast, similiarity and all that goes into “meaning on canvas”, but this one is bit too dark for me.

In addition, since the Obama’s have two children I am concerned that one child has been “left out”!  What happened?  Was this the only image that Elizabeth Peyton could find to paint?  Was the symbolism so important that for some reason she JUST HAD TO select THIS PARTICULAR IMAGE that is so quickly recognizable in comparison to that of “Coretta and Bernice”?  Any mom would be a bit taken back to see only one child in the painting without the other.

I believe the artist needs to create “Michelle & Malia” to stand firmly with “Michelle & Sasha” as a set. 

It is wonderful for an artist to bring out so many thoughts and emotions, but this image is very ill-placed today given it’s comparison and contrast to the most amazing Civil Rights leader of our time! 

Just how much was given by Elizabeth Peyton to not only “Michelle & Sasha” but to the emotions of the country as a whole?  Thanks Elizabeth for allowing us to “re-live” history through this image, it’s just what we needed.

Are You Open?

Posted in Uncategorized on November 11, 2010 by 69questions

When I ask, “Are You Open?” Many of you might interpret that in a way that is related to business.  My question is in reference to your personal life.  Think about the question, and let me ask you once more.  “Are You Open?”

When you look at your Friendship Portfolio, is it diverse?  Where does your portfolio stand in consideration to the following:

  • Religion
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Financial
  • Education
  • Physical Appearance

This thought of being “open” really puzzled me as I decided to sneak a peek through many of the friends of my friends listed on a few different social networking sites.  Mind you, I know that everyone’s friends are not listed on their social networking sites. 

It was really an eye-opening experience for me.  I found that most White people had all White friends, Black people had all Black friends and Hispanic people had all Hispanic friends, etc. We all know that in all friendships there’s the ‘one’ White friend, or the ‘one’ Black friend that everyone has.  It made me even more curious to want to know, if people are really open?

In day-to-day life, do you seek the comforts of those most like you?  I think in many cases that’s the nature of things, because it ‘s safe.  But, in seeking out what is always safe and comfortable you become a “closed” person.

Recently, I had an experience that almost rocked me to my core as I drove through Missouri. Despite all of the new technology, I’m old school and still enjoy listening to the radio. I must admit that I am constantly changing the channels searching for anything from Joan Jett, Aretha Franklin, Pink Floyd to RunDMC! I enjoy the variety of great music.

As I drove through Missouri and changed the radio stations, I quickly realized that I was limited to Classic 80’s Rock, Talk Radio (Rush Limbaugh, Tea Party, etc) or Christian Radio.  I am not opposed to any of this, but I felt trapped because there was no variety. I had to listen to what was pretty much set in stone for the radio audience in that area.  Let me tell you this, I didn’t like it one bit!

The constant thought that ran through my mind was how awful it would be to be limited, by anything.  I guess that if you are raised in an area that is closed your entire life, you will never miss anything because you are unaware that more exists.  You can never be truly open if you live a life that’s closed.

Surprisingly, none of the people in the area that I encountered were Closed.  I ASSumed that they would not be Open to me and my family.  Making that ASSumption, made me closed in those moments and for that I’m ashamed that I pre-judged them.  Hence the old saying, you can’t judge a book by its cover.

What’s it like to be open at work and closed at home?

Is your job Open?  You might say yes because from your perspective, it’s diverse.  Consider where the diversity is at your job.  It’s always Open at the hourly level but, is it Open at the Senior Management and Ownership levels? 

How open are you at work?  Are you truly open, or are you open because it’s a part of your job to work with people unlike you?  Are you so closed that you look forward to the end of the day to get home to be with those that are most like you? 

One of the largest closed environments is church.  Praising the Lord in a closed environment every Sunday morning, making those not like you feel unwelcome.   At your next visit, ask your Pastor or Priest, “Are We as a Church, Open?”  I applaud churches that are truly ‘Open’.

We should take a hard look around us, at the places we spend our money, send our children to school and spend our time and ask the question, “Are You Open?”  The real answer might truly be surprising.

Everyone Lives in a Flood Zone – Atlanta, Georgia

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on September 22, 2009 by 69questions

Are you prepared emotionally, financially and physically for a flood?  In Metro Atlanta, it has been raining for almost 7-days.  Many local residents, never thought that they would need flood insurance based on the zone in which they live.  The answer for most, is no.

I’m sure that the local news Meteorologists predicated that there would be flooding, but I don’t remember hearing the thought that it would be this devastating.  It is mind boggling to see the amount of flooding, lost homes, damaged property, washed out bridges and roads, not to mention the number of lives lost.  At present, there have been a total of six lives lost . . . but when it’s your loved one, that’s too many!

What do we all need to know about Flood Insurance?  We all live in a flood zone.  It can flood anytime and anywhere and all properties are at risk.  Just a few inches of water can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Just because your insurance agents says that flood insurance is not required, that does not mean it’s not available.  You and only you know what’s best for you and your family.

Will FEMA help?  Not unless the President declares your flooded area a Disaster Zone!  So keep your fingers crossed.  


Flood insurance is not just for high risk areas, 25% of all flood claims come from low-medium risk areas.  It is a myth that you don’t qualify, don’t need it or are ineligible for flood insurance.  The average flood claim is about $30,000 and the average policy is $500/year.  Talk to your agent today about flood insurance.

Flood insurance is available to both renters and homeowners.  Contrary to rumor, flood insurance is not expensive.  Coverage is based on several factors:

  1. Year the structure was built
  2. Occupancy
  3. Number of floors
  4. Location of it’s contents
  5. Flood risk
  6. Location of the lowest floor in relation to the elevation requirement of the flood map
  7. Deductible that you choose based on the building contents

Flood insurance is designed to provide an alternative to disaster assistance to reduce the escalating costs of repairing damage to buildings and their contents caused by floods.

Be ready, get prepared!  You never know what Mother Nature has in store for you and your family.

The Monkey’s in the Media

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 21, 2009 by 69questions

Who among us does not believe that the New York Post cartoon was about President O’bama?  It is unbelievablet to me that anyone that has lived in the United States of America during the last 100 years, would not be able to understand the negative impact of such a cartoon. 

Let’s define cartoon.  How about “funny, humurous, caricature” something along those lines.  Typically, cartoons are supposed to be funny.  It makes one wonder, who is laughing at this cartoon.  I would venture to say that those that are laughing are the ones that clearly do not understand all of the dirt, grit and stereotypes that go along with it.  Or maybe that’s the “joke” . . . they actually understand it.

Oh, I get it!  The joke’s on me . . . right?

This was definately meant to be hurtful, spiteful, mean, degrading, stereotypical and down-right racist!

The New York Post should be ashamed, embarrased and humiliated to have allowed this cartoon to be printed.  Is this what the New York Post has stooped to for readers?  Who is buying this paper? 

Rupert Murdoch has been at this for a long time, if you have about an hour to view this video before it’s removed I strongly encourage you to view / listen to it. 


What a scary thought that one man can own so much and access so many with his words / thoughts / points of view!

Let’s see, monkeys are pretty darned intelligent (so they say) but I’m not sure that one has accomplished as much as our current President.  But I’m sure that Rupert Murdock and his media team can research this and show how much more intelligent monkey’s are than African American’s.  Keep your eyes peeled (a banana joke) for the show on Fox or it will be front page of the newspaper.

Makes me wonder if Rupert Murdock’s media might have been behind the shooting of the monkey!  I guess any excuse will do.


“Last week, we made a mistake. We ran a cartoon that offended many people. Today I want to personally apologize to any reader who felt offended, and even insulted,” writes Murdoch.

Wow!  Do you feel the passion in that apology?  I think a kindergarten class could give a more sympathetic apology than that.